How Do You Know When to Put Your Dog Down With Cancer

In today's blog, our Caput of Companion Animals, Dr Samantha Gaines, reflects on the tough decision she and her family had to make when their xiii-yr-sometime Labrador sadly became ill a few years ago.

Sid was diagnosed with lymphoma and given a month to live


My husband had been sitting with Sid one evening and while stroking him noticed that he had several lumps under his cervix. Nosotros took him to the vet the next day and shortly after he was diagnosed with lymphoma. The prognosis was not good - without treatment he was given only four-6 weeks to live and even with treatment, the outlook remained poor and wouldn't significantly extend his life.

All of this came as a real shock. Sid appeared a very happy and healthy domestic dog and had only a few months before been given the all-clear following surgery and radiotherapy for another type of cancer.  We plant ourselves all the same again facing a number of different options and hard decisions only this time with a domestic dog who was well into his twilight years and had only recently gone through intensive cancer treatment.

I option was chemotherapy which nosotros ruled out pretty much straight away.  Nosotros just didn't want to put him through any more. The other pick was a steroidal handling which would help manage the disease. However, this was likely to lead to increased hunger, drinking and urination. From a lifestyle and practical point of view, this was going to be difficult to manage, for us and most importantly, Sid.

Realistically it would merely hateful only a few extra weeks and so we decided confronting this course of treatment equally well. This left united states with one final option - letting the affliction run its natural course until nosotros were no longer confident he was experiencing a good quality of life and he needed to be put to sleep. This left us with the most difficult decision of all - when would be the right time to say goodbye?

His quality of life was more important than us not wanting to let him become


Sid has been a huge part of our family in every style. He has been in my daughter's life for seven years and with my husband and myself for 10. He has always been thought of - and treated as - a family member and very much loved every bit one. Although the thought of saying goodbye to him was heartbreaking, I too knew that at no point could we let him suffer - his quality of life was far more important than the states not wanting to let him become.

Information technology was but a few weeks after Sid had been diagnosed with cancer that we booked the euthanasia engagement. It wasn't that his quality of life had dramatically changed or that I thought he was suffering but in that location were trivial things like slowing down on his walks and non wanting to go very far. He was also a little more restless than usual and seemed to detect information technology less easy to get comfy when lying downwards. Although he appeared happy for much of the fourth dimension it was articulate that wasn't going to be the case for much longer.

Sid's last evening was spent swimming and playing ball

The week prior to the appointment was incredibly hard and on several occasions, I questioned whether I was making the correct conclusion. A particular challenge was the feeling that I was doing information technology likewise early on and whether I should give him a few actress days.

At this point, I chose to speak to friends and work colleagues who reminded me that, not only was I making the right decision, but that euthanasia gave Sid a pain-costless and dignified ending. This was a huge assist and immune me to focus on making sure Sid's concluding days were full of the things that he enjoyed.

The day earlier his euthanasia was spent dozing in the sun and on the sofa and he spent his final evening pond and playing ball on the beach. I similar to call back that this is what he would have chosen to do if he'd known what was happening and it definitely created some lovely memories for us.

Past the fourth dimension it came to the date we were well prepared. Our vet had talked us through what to expect and what would happen to Sid. He passed very quickly and peacefully with both of us next to him and we were able to sit with him afterwards so that we could properly say goodbye.

This was by far the hardest matter I've ever had to do

The decision to say goodbye to Sid and really doing it is, past far, the hardest affair I accept always had to do simply I am without doubtfulness that information technology was the right decision. Equally a very good friend said to me 'information technology is the last kindness we can exercise to avoid any suffering.'

If yous have been affected by the loss of a pet then please visit our pet bereavement page. You lot will find lots of information and support on pet bereavement likewise as further guidance on euthanasia.

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