Racials and Trinkets Off the Gcd Again Soon

For other uses, meet Haste (disambiguation).

Haste is a secondary attribute that increases attack speed, ranged attack speed and casting speed. Information technology besides increases these attributes for the thespian's pets, increases the regeneration rate of some resources, and increases the tick rate of nearly of the histrion's harm over fourth dimension and heal over time effects. Spell haste also reduces the length of the global cooldown for spells and some melee abilities.

Prior to Patch 6.0.2, Haste occurred in a number of forms. Each of these forms of haste were displayed separately on the character sheet - under Melee, Ranged and Spell, respectively. Melee haste increased attack speed; Ranged haste increased ranged assault speed; and Spell haste increased casting speed, reduced cast fourth dimension, and reduced the global cooldown. Every bit of Patch vi.0.2, these categories have been merged, and all sources of haste now affect all 3 categories simultaneously and equally.

Assail speed and ranged attack speed increment the charge per unit at which melee and ranged auto-attacks are dealt, respectively. This can increase the frequency and damage output of the player'southward auto-attacks. This can in plough increase procs from effects such every bit [Claret Parasite] and [Sudden Decease] , as well equally PPM and RPPM enchants, trinkets, and furnishings. Casting speed effectively reduces the cast-time of spells. This can allow casters to heal or deal damage more than quickly. Non-spell bandage-time abilities such as [Steady Shot] also benefit from haste, with reduced bandage times.

Although their haste attributes are oftentimes unlisted, pets as well do good from haste, increasing their attack or casting speed. Pets are also affected short-term haste buffs like [Bloodlust] / [Heroism] and [Mark of Warsong] .

Haste also increases the charge per unit at which players passively regenerate free energy, runes, and focus. By increasing the rate of melee auto-attacks, haste tin can also increase the rate at which warriors and Guardian druids generate rage.

Spell haste can reduce the length of the global cooldown. For about classes, the base GCD is i.5 seconds, and Haste can reduce information technology to a minimum of 0.75 2nd (requiring 100% haste). Reducing the GCD allows players to use their abilities more than rapidly, simply does not modify the cooldown of individual abilities. Starting in Mists of Pandaria, and expanding in Warlords of Draenor, many core course abilities at present have their cooldowns reduced by haste (ex. [Crusader Strike] and [Riptide] ). The cooldown of these haste-scaling abilities will be colored green in the in-game tooltip.

Haste also increases the tick rate of harm over time and heal over time effects. As of Patch half dozen.0.ii, all DoT and HoT effects calibration with haste. By increasing a periodic consequence's tick rate, the effect's damage or healing is dealt more quickly. With sufficient haste, additional ticks will also be added, increasing the consequence's output and efficiency considerably. As of Patch 6.0.2, haste'due south result on periodic effects has changed considerably from previously. Periodic effects at present always have the standard duration for that effect, regardless of haste levels. All periodic effects can be refreshed when less than xxx% of their original duration remains with no "clipping" or duration loss (the total normal duration is simply added to the remaining duration, upwardly to a maximum of 130% of the base duration). In improver, haste ticks no longer take breakpoints. When a periodic effect with a duration unequal to a precise multiple of the tick interval expires, a final tick will be dealt equal to the percent of a normal tick duration that elapsed since the concluding full tick. For case, if a periodic effect has a elapsing of 15.0 seconds and due to haste has a tick interval of 2.0 seconds, it will deal 7 ticks at normal damage (14.0 seconds), then bargain a terminal 8th tick for 50% of normal impairment. This ways that all periodic effects scale, in both DPS and total damage done, in a polish manner with additional haste, with no breakpoints or jumps in do good. In addition, like all secondary stats, haste is no longer snapshotted when the periodic event is cast, and instead the tick interval is dynamically updated on the fly as the caster's haste varies.


  • 1 Sources
    • 1.1 Negative Haste
    • one.2 Mobs
  • 2 Calculations
    • 2.i Haste rating
      • 2.1.1 Example
    • 2.2 Attack and bandage time
      • 2.2.ane Example
      • 2.2.two Global cooldown
  • 3 Tips
  • four Haste cap
  • 5 Patches and hotfixes


Haste tin be obtained from a number of different sources, temporary and permanent.

  • The principal permanent source of haste is from gear. Haste from gear is mostly provided in the grade of haste rating, which converts to percent haste at a diminishing rate as the player levels up. Haste rating tin can also be added to gear with enchantments and gems. Some items such as trinkets tin can also offering on-use temporary haste buffs ( [Mindfletcher Talisman] ), while some trinkets and weapon enchants grant temporary hastes procs (Enchant Weapon - Windsong).

Negative Haste

Players tin can too larn negative haste, commonly from enemy debuffs. As of Patch 6.0.2, players no longer have access to negative haste debuffs, then negative haste at present comes exclusively from NPC effects.


Mobs often grant themselves or their allies furnishings which increase haste. Numerous mobs have an Enrage buff that is activated when their health becomes dangerously low, increasing set on speed. Many bosses also proceeds haste buffs, such as Shannox or Patchwerk'southward Frenzy effects, either during Enrage phases or in response to specific events. While some of these effects are dispellable, many are not.


Haste rating

Haste stacks in a multiplicative manner. This ways that it is beneficial to stack multiple haste effects. Haste rating stacks additively with itself (2 sources of 100 haste rating give a total of 200 haste rating when stacked) and is then converted into a percentage (run across tabular array below) that stacks in a multiplicative manner with other sources of haste.

Haste Rating Required Per i%
Level 90 Level 100 Level 110
18 xc 375


A level 100 Frost mage with 1294 haste rating has the [Marker of Warsong] and [Icy Veins] buffs active.

1294 + 1000 = 2294 haste rating 2294 / 90 = 25.49% haste (ane.2549) one.2549 * 1.3 = 1.63 or          63% haste        

Attack and cast time

Mostly speaking, haste represents how much more of an action yous can perform in a given time. For example, 100% haste can double DPS/HPS, past allowing the actor bandage ii spells in the time they would be able to bandage ane without that haste. Casting time and the machine-assail interval are therefore calculated past dividing the weapon or ability's base of operations attack or casting time past the one plus the haste percentage.


The mage above has just popped his haste cooldowns, temporarily increasing his spell haste to 63%. This allows him to deal 63% more impairment or healing in a given time.

                                                                          [Frostbolt]                                = 2.0 sec cast time 63% haste = i + 0.63 = one.63  2.0 / i.63 = 1.23 sec cast fourth dimension        

This reduces the bandage-time of 2.0-second spells such equally [Frostbolt] to i.23 seconds.

Global cooldown

Haste reduces the global cooldown (GCD) triggered by spells and certain physical abilities exactly as it reduces the cast fourth dimension of those effects, but cannot reduce it beneath 0.75 seconds. The length of the global cooldown can therefore be calculated using the same formula given above.

Following the above instance, a mage with a [Frostbolt] cast fourth dimension of one.23 seconds would have a global cooldown of 1.5 / one.63 = 0.94 seconds. Should the mage also acquire the [Bloodlust] / [Heroism] buff, his haste would be increased by 30%, reducing his Frostbolt'due south cast fourth dimension to 1.23 / i.3 = 0.94 seconds. However, instead of reducing his global cooldown to 0.94 / i.3 = 0.72 seconds, it would instead just be lowered to the minimum of 0.75 seconds.

The amount of haste required to lower the global cooldown to its 0.75 second minimum is 100%. This minimum prevents players from using abilities more than oftentimes than once per 0.75s, with the exception of abilities that are non on the GCD such every bit [Counterspell] , [Pain Suppression] and [Accuse] . However, this merely straight inhibits players' use of instant cast abilities and abilities which accept had their cast fourth dimension pushed below 0.75 seconds, and when combined with pushback, the availability of longer-cast spells (often serving every bit higher DPS/HPS or more than mana efficient alternatives) and the desire to motion in between casts, the minimum GCD does not necessarily prevent additional haste from benefiting the pulley, though information technology may reduce the marginal value of the stat (see Haste Cap, below).


Considering haste stacks in a multiplicative manner, it is generally of maximum benefit for players to apply whatsoever haste-generating abilities or procs simultaneously. This will produce a larger benefit (measurable in DPS or HPS) than that provided if each is used separately. This is ideal for dealing with emergencies, assuasive the player to rise to the occasion by significantly increasing their output on command. Most haste abilities take 2 to iii minute cooldowns. On the downside, this arroyo requires the thespian to choose the correct moment to employ these abilities, and past placing many of their virtually powerful abilities on cooldown at one time, can go out them without fallback options should events take an unexpected turn.

Since haste is dynamically updated on the fly for periodic effects, DoT/HoT recasts need non focus on haste procs whatever longer. However, powerful DoT/HoT abilities that are either cooldown based (eg. [Divine Hymn] ) or accept relatively depression uptime (eg. [Hand of Gul'dan] ) will accept increased overall potency when used during large temporary haste buffs. In addition, while tick interval for periodic effects updated dynamically, the amount of time required to finished the cast of a cast-fourth dimension power is gear up when the ability begins to cast. This means that outset a relatively long cast simply equally a large haste buff expires still retains the total benefit of the haste vitrify for that cast.

Also every bit increasing DPS/HPS, this can besides make sure options more efficient, and therefore desirable. For case, for many Holy priests [Renew] is non but fairly slow, but likewise relatively weak and mana inefficient. By casting Renew while benefitting from haste buffs such as [Power Infusion] , priests can oftentimes add an extra tick to the event, increasing output and mana efficiency by up to 25%. Since haste does not increment the effectiveness of cast-time abilities, this can shift Renew'due south identify in the healing hierarchy from a boring and relatively inefficient heal to an efficient and desirable pick. Saving haste effects for use with [Divine Hymn] can increase a priest'southward healing output significantly, and makes for an fantabulous emergency cooldown. Since haste increases the total dominance of periodic effects while decreasing the time necessary to use them (whether that'southward a cast fourth dimension or a GCD), the damage or healer per time spent casting goes up significantly faster for periodic effects than it does for direct impairment effects.

Possibly the virtually well-known of all haste buffs are the raid-wide [Bloodlust] / [Heroism] , [Fourth dimension Warp] and [Ancient Hysteria] . With a 5-infinitesimal cooldown and a 10-minute debuff, timing and coordination are required to make the virtually of these powerful buffs. Using them in less than critical moments may non only waste your own cooldown, but also prevent others in your raid from using them when they are needed well-nigh.

Haste cap

While at that place is no bespeak at which haste becomes entirely unbeneficial, different classes may find it becomes less valuable at a sure level. In practice, haste is restricted by gear and effects, and does not exceed certain levels outside of special encounters (such as "Captain" Cookie in the Deadmines). The most significant cap for haste is the point at which its acquisition requires the trading of something more valuable, whether a superior talent, or a disadvantageous corporeality of a critical attribute.

Haste cannot reduce the global cooldown below 0.75 second. Thus, once a player has enough casting speed that all of the abilities they utilize in combat have a casting fourth dimension of 0.75 2d or less, boosted haste rating won't increase their damage per second or healing per 2nd from abilities (even on fights that are also short for mana to go the limiting factor). For some casters, this can be seen as a "haste cap". However, even above this point boosted haste has its benefits, such as allowing the employ of abilities with longer cast times. For example, sufficient haste would allow a priest to employ [Heal] rather than [Flash Heal] , saving a large amount of mana. Too, additional haste volition still reduce the actual time spent casting, which can be advantageous when making split-second casts, avoiding interrupts or trying to move between casts. When dealing with spell pushback additional haste can be very useful, potentially granting the caster an effective immunity to pushback, due to 'excess' haste counteracting its effects.

In well-nigh respects haste does not have a cap; haste rating does not suffer diminishing returns, and most of its effects go along to increment in a linear way. For melee types (and hunters), since auto-assault speed does not have a limit, haste will go on to increase DPS, besides every bit generating boosted talent procs and resource generation/regeneration rate. HoTs and DoTs tin likewise be extended past several ticks, dramatically improving efficiency, speed and output. Many periodic effects (such as [Shadow Give-and-take: Pain] and [Vampiric Touch] ) effectively exercise not have a haste cap, and can be improved with haste to bargain harm more once per second. Another effects cannot tick faster than every 1 sec, and so finer have a haste cap of just nether 200%, simply this is unlikely to be reached very often.

The most important question for haste stacking is its relative important to your course, spec and playstyle. Some classes rely heavily on haste to ameliorate their DoTs or their automobile-set on speed, while for others it is of minimal importance, and should be avoided wherever possible.

Patches and hotfixes

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-01-12): The Haste stat is at present xi.ane% more constructive. For example, characters at level 100 now receive a ane% increment per 90 Haste (up from one% per 100 Haste).
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-x-xiv): Spell Haste %, Melee Haste %, and Ranged Haste % accept been merged into a universal Haste %.
    Periodic furnishings no longer snapshot and no longer have breakpoints. Rating conversions were squished.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch v.2.0 (2013-03-05): The benefit of Haste from items and consumables has been increased past l% for all Warriors.
  • Wrath of the Lich King Patch three.0.two (2008-10-fourteen): Haste Rating at present modifies both melee attacks and spells.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): Haste has been rebalanced. It has returned to the ratios from the launch of Burning Cause. Melee attacks and spell casts will now do good at identical rates from haste. This change results in a reduction in the benefit of haste for melee attacks and an increment in the benefit for spellcasters.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.12.0 (2006-08-22): Previously, haste and tiresome effects worked inconsistently, with spells working differently from weapons, and hastes and slows not acting every bit inverses of each other. We have revised the arrangement so that all haste and wearisome effects work the same way, and haste and slow percentages of the aforementioned magnitude perfectly abolish each other out (30% haste and thirty% slow combine to no change). Every bit a consequence, nosotros had to change the tooltip numbers on all spell haste effects, and on all melee and range slow effects. The numbers in the tooltips are different, but the game functionality is unchanged (other than slight rounding errors). Those tooltips that changed will at present display larger numbers than they used to display. Conceptually, haste values indicate how much more of that activity y'all can perform in a given time. 30% melee haste means 30% more than swings in a given time. Slow values betoken how much longer an activity takes to complete. 30% slow means an action takes 30% longer to finish.


Source: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Haste

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